首页 > 技术 > Altair > > 基于HyperStudy传动轴减振圈优化设计


作者:Simwe    来源:Altair    发布时间:2014-02-24    收藏】 【打印】  复制连接  【 】 我来说两句:(0逛逛论坛

4 结论



5 参考文献

[1] 朱卓选.减振圈解决汽车传动轴的NVH问题.上海汽车,2003:14-16

[2] HyperStudy User's Guide. Altair Engineering, 2009

The Optimization and Design of Drive Shaft Vibration-Reduction Ring Based on HyperStudy

Shi Chaoliang Wang Xicheng Shi Jianpeng

Abstract: Vibration-reduction ring matches with drive shaft according to the design of some parameters on the basis of experience, to attain the objective of lower maximum frequency of vibration. If the parameters are not suitable, modify them. The optimization and design of drive shaft vibration-reduction ring are proceed in this paper. The parameters of vibration-reduction ring are set up as the design variable, such as mass, stiffness and damping. The optimal values of parameters were obtained, and the design period was decreased obviously.

Key words: Vibration-reduction ring     Optimization       HyperStudy



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