首页 > 技术 > Altair > > OptiStruct在发动机支架优化设计中的应用


作者:Simwe    来源:Altair    发布时间:2013-11-08    收藏】 【打印】  复制连接  【 】 我来说两句:(0逛逛论坛


5 结论


6 参考文献

[1] HyperWorks Help Documents.

[2] 张胜兰 李楚琳 郑冬黎 郝琪编 《基于HyperWorks的结构优化设计技术》 机械工业出版社 2008

OptiStruct Application in Optimization Design of Engine Bracket

Zhao Zhilan     Zheng Nan   Zhang Guanghong


Abstract:OptiStruct is the module to optimize the structure of parts in HyperWorks. This paper illustrates the application of OptiStruct in optimization design of engine bracket for reducing weight taking an engine bracket as an example, it introduces the method of topology optimization. With OptiStruct optimization, the stiffness is guaranteed, and the weight of the engine bracket is reduced by 19.4%, and the cost is cut.

Key words: OptiStruct  Engine Bracket   Weight Optimization Topology optimization

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